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Transporte por Aplicativo e Turismo em Serra Negra - SP

Nossos Motoristas

Na vibrante paisagem de Serra Negra, onde cada rua conta uma história e cada viagem é uma aventura, os Motoristas da JPCar Transporte e Turismo destacam-se como os pioneiros do transporte de passageiros, combinando excelência, responsabilidade e uma dose extra de hospitalidade.

Em um cenário onde a mobilidade é essencial, nossos motoristas são os pilares que sustentam a confiança de nossos clientes. Eles não apenas dirigem; eles lideram, garantindo que cada jornada seja uma experiência memorável, desde o momento em que o passageiro entra no carro até o destino final.

Em um mundo onde a conveniência é fundamental, os serviços de transporte por aplicativo em Serra Negra assumem um papel crucial. E é aqui que os Motoristas da JPCar se destacam. Com uma dedicação incomparável ao cliente, eles estão sempre prontos para atender às necessidades dos passageiros, oferecendo um serviço personalizado e confiável que vai além das expectativas.

Além disso, na JPCar Transporte e Turismo, qualidade é nossa palavra de ordem. Nossos carros são mais do que simples veículos; são o epítome do conforto e da segurança. Cada veículo é mantido em condições impecáveis, submetido a rigorosas revisões para garantir uma viagem tranquila e sem contratempos.

Então, quando você escolhe os serviços da JPCar Transporte e Turismo, está escolhendo mais do que uma simples corrida. Está escolhendo uma experiência, onde cada quilômetro é marcado pela excelência, cortesia e profissionalismo de nossos motoristas. É uma jornada onde o destino final é apenas uma parte da aventura, e o verdadeiro prazer está na viagem em si.

Paulo Papini

FIAT Cronos

Luan Bregondi


Pedro Paulo


Ademir Parreira


Colbert Torres


Sebastião Vieira

FIAT Pulse

Patricia Parreira


Mateus Barbosa


Position / Role

Jamie Lane

Position / Role

Max Johnson

Position / Role

Jesse Neimus

Position / Role

Drew Carlyle

Position / Role

Jamie Lane

Position / Role

Max Johnson

Position / Role

Jesse Neimus

Position / Role

Drew Carlyle

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Nossos Passeios

“Use this space to share reviews from customers about the products or services offered.”

“Reviews are important for gaining trust. Highlight reviews from customers here.”

“Endorsements from real customers lend a personal touch to a website.”

“Use this space to share reviews from customers about the products or services offered.”

“Reviews are important for gaining trust. Highlight reviews from customers here.”

“Endorsements from real customers lend a personal touch to a website.”


Cadastre-se e saiba das novidades

Transporte por Aplicativo e Turismo em Serra Negra - SP

Rua Duque de Caxias, 40 - Serra Negra - SP

(19)998985005 - (19)993898164

Todos os Direitos reservados - JPCar - 2024

Desenvolvido por - Carlos Torres - O Consultor

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Hora das Compras

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy ​text of the printing and ​typesetting industry. Lorem ​Ipsum has been the industry's ​standard dummy text ever since ​the 1500s, when an unknown ​printer took a galley of type and

Hora das Compras

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy ​text of the printing and ​typesetting industry. Lorem ​Ipsum has been the industry's ​standard dummy text ever since ​the 1500s, when an unknown ​printer took a galley of type and

Hora das Compras

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy ​text of the printing and ​typesetting industry. Lorem ​Ipsum has been the industry's ​standard dummy text ever since ​the 1500s, when an unknown ​printer took a galley of type and

Eventos em Serra Negra

Hora das Compras

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy ​text of the printing and ​typesetting industry. Lorem ​Ipsum has been the industry's ​standard dummy text ever since ​the 1500s, when an unknown ​printer took a galley of type and

Hora das Compras

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy ​text of the printing and ​typesetting industry. Lorem ​Ipsum has been the industry's ​standard dummy text ever since ​the 1500s, when an unknown ​printer took a galley of type and

Hora das Compras

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy ​text of the printing and ​typesetting industry. Lorem ​Ipsum has been the industry's ​standard dummy text ever since ​the 1500s, when an unknown ​printer took a galley of type and

Hora das Compras

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy ​text of the printing and ​typesetting industry. Lorem ​Ipsum has been the industry's ​standard dummy text ever since ​the 1500s, when an unknown ​printer took a galley of type and

Rota do Café

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy ​text of the printing and ​typesetting industry. Lorem ​Ipsum has been the industry's ​standard dummy text ever since ​the 1500s, when an unknown ​printer took a galley of type and

Nossos Passeios


Alto da Serra

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy ​text of the printing and ​typesetting industry. Lorem ​Ipsum has been the industry's ​standard dummy text ever since ​the 1500s, when an unknown ​printer took a galley of type and


seg. à sab. e feriados : 09:00 às 18:00h


dom. a qui. : 06:45 às 22:00h
sex. sab. e feriados : 06:45 às 23:00h

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Hora das Compras

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy ​text of the printing and ​typesetting industry. Lorem ​Ipsum has been the industry's ​standard dummy text ever since ​the 1500s, when an unknown ​printer took a galley of type and

Hora das Compras

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy ​text of the printing and ​typesetting industry. Lorem ​Ipsum has been the industry's ​standard dummy text ever since ​the 1500s, when an unknown ​printer took a galley of type and

Hora das Compras

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy ​text of the printing and ​typesetting industry. Lorem ​Ipsum has been the industry's ​standard dummy text ever since ​the 1500s, when an unknown ​printer took a galley of type and

Hora das Compras

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy ​text of the printing and ​typesetting industry. Lorem ​Ipsum has been the industry's ​standard dummy text ever since ​the 1500s, when an unknown ​printer took a galley of type and

Conheça Serra Negra

Fontana Di Trevi

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy ​text of the printing and ​typesetting industry. Lorem ​Ipsum has been the industry's ​standard dummy text ever since ​the 1500s, when an unknown ​printer took a galley of type and


Hora das Compras

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy ​text of the printing and ​typesetting industry. Lorem ​Ipsum has been the industry's ​standard dummy text ever since ​the 1500s, when an unknown ​printer took a galley of type and

Transporte por Aplicativo e Turismo em Serra Negra - SP



(19)998985005 - (19)993898164

Rua Duque de Caxias, 40 - Serra Negra - SP

Todos os Direitos reserv4dos - JPCar - 2024

Desenvolvido por - Carlos Torres - O Consultor


FORD Ecosport



José Roberto


Marcelo Postali


Bruno Cezar




Willian Salton




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